Event Live Stream

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Coachella Ends With Record Breaking Result

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Coachella ended with many shocking moments from creative artistic sets to suprise guest performers. However, the most shocking thing to come from Coachella was the number of live stream viewers.

According to a recent report, Coachella’s live streaming views increased by 90%. The total number of views during the first weekend amounted to 82.9 million while last year’s total was only 41 million. Many will focus on the dethroning of Queen Bey narrative, but the larger story at hand is the growing trend in live streaming video viewership.

In 2018, YouTube’s first quarter of total live stream hour viewership was 400 million views. In 2019, the first quarter total ended up being 722 million. That near double in live streaming hour viewership and Coachella’s total streamed viewers suggests that peoples interest in live streaming video has doubled. If you take into account that live streaming has been projected to increase in popularity, the number of live stream views will only grow in the future. Next year’s first weekend live stream of Coachella can potentially fall anywhere from 120 – 160 million views.

As we await Coachella’s second week view tally, it has become abundantly clear that live streaming is one of the fastest growing demand sectors.

Why Marketers Are Embracing Live Videos



The desire for live video content has now risen to the point where brand marketers are embracing the live streaming industry with open arms. Twitter’s latest report on live streaming has shown that live streaming an event can actually lead to an increase of 63% in regard to favourability. That increase has led to growing brand investment into live streaming events and experiential events in general. You can find examples of this on our website or in the article below.

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