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Fortnite’s Superbowl Concert Opens Up New Marketing Strategies

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The popularity explosion of Epic Games’, “Fortnite”, has increased brands interest into the new avenue of integrated video game marketing.

During the 2018 Superbowl, famed DJ Marshmello held a live streaming virtual concert in Fortnite. The mixture of Marshmello and Fortnite’s popularity ended up garnering 10 million views. For some larger perspective, that’s 1/10th of the people who viewed the Superbowl. In addition to the massive reach of Fortnite’s virtual concert, the Superbowl saw a decline in viewership.

The success of Fortnite’s virtual concert has now opened up a flood gate to video game live streaming marketing integration strategies. Although the concept of integrated video marketing is in its infancy, it could have the potential to bring on an ad-valanche comparable to YouTube’s introduction of ads. However, Epic Games must take into account how over-saturation of advertisements will affect gamers positive outlook on Fortnite.

Below is a video of Marshmello’s live streamed Fortnite concert. While watching it, try to imagine the possibilities of brand integration.